Speaking Engagements for Organisations and Trade Sssociations on Business Development On Autopilot...

Using 16th century English rebel, Guy Fawkes' words...

"A desperate disease requires a dangerous remedy."

And on this note he decided to blow up the government, but he was caught and executed.

Considering how much damage the separation of traditional manipulative marketing and sales caused to businesses, there are lots of marketing and sales professionals who could benefit from some recreational hanging, drowning and quartering for their sins. But let's not delve on that now. Instead, let's look for some dangerous remedy.

My speeches cover a broad range of business development, including designing individual processes, automating the processes and building great business development teams, that are really teams not just a group of individuals who happen to work under the same roof.

I have some rough speech topic outlines, but I design each speech around clients' specific issues. For better understanding and learning I use examples from their own businesses, so everyone understands the flow of the speech in a similar way.

I ask clients to plan both the objectives (what to achieve) and the goals (actions after the event) of the programme, and define what sort of quantitative and qualitative improvements they want to see at the company as a result applying the new knowledge.

In designing my speeches, I look at issues like...

Since each type of presentation requires different time frames and amount of preparation, all I ask you is to think about these issues well in advance, and give me adequate notice to prepare, so you can offer the best most valuable experience for your audience..

So, if you're looking for a speaker with practical "how to..." stuff, presented to your people in the context of your company's mission, vision, core values and overall culture, then follow the link and read my On Becoming A Client document. Relax, there is no obligation here. This package helps you to define whether or not there is a sound financial justification to initiate the engagement.