FAQ: Do You Implement Your Recommendations For Us?

The short answer is no. This is why...

In the cartoon strip Family Circus by Bill Kaine, a little boy is holding his homework out to his mother. She looks at him and says...

"You misunderstand. I'm a homework consultant, not a homework subcontractor."

That is, she can help him and do the homework WITH him, but she won't do it FOR him.

Similarly, I can help and support you to implement, but I can't do it FOR you. It's your business, your future, your life. As, business philosopher, Jim Rohn says...

"No one can do your push-ups."

It would also unethical to do it FOR you without your full involvement. It would build a constant and never-ending dependence on me. I would become the proverbial painkiller. As long as I'm around, everything is fine and dandy. But as soon as I leave, or get killed by the dreaded green lurgy, you're back to square zero, and need to hire someone else to get up to speed on what I've and then continue. And this never-ending process would cost you a hell of a lot of time and a bucket load of money.

Saul Alinsky, generally regarded as the father of community organising, writes in Rules For Radicals...

"Self-respect arises only when people pay active roles in solving their crises, who are not passive, helpless and puppet-like recipients of services. To give people help while denying them a significant part in the action contributes nothing to the person's development. It is not giving help but taking away a person's dignity. Denial of the opportunity for participation is the denial of human dignity and democracy.

And Saul gives a good example in his book...

One day the government of Mexico decided to return mothers' pawned sewing machines to them as gifts. There was tremendous joy. Within three weeks all sewing machines were back in the pawnshops. The mothers were not interested in "gifts". The initiative failed to change their paradigms."

Here is a First Nation Chief's recollection of working with Alinsky...

"When Mr. Alinsky told us we were full of shit, that was the first time a white man has really talked to us as equals. He didn't treat us like children."

As an outsider, all I can do is to bring a lot of my accumulated experience, insights, intuition and wisdom to your table and give you new possibilities to improve your bu8siness. Then you must take responsibility for getting the greatest possible result from the value you've received from me.

As a business owner, only you can integrate my advisory value into your operation and turn it to specific business results. No one else can do that for you. That would be similar to sending your personal trainer on a diet and demanding to pass the weight loss on to you.

And this is why you and your team of people, who are in charge of business development, absolutely must be actively involved in the whole engagement. It's not about doing it FOR you but doing it WITH you. That creates lasting improvements and you can stand on your own feet after my disengagement.

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