Business Development Services For Information Technology Companies With Complex, High-Ticket Sales

My work is simple: I help small and medium sized[1] IT companies to increase their sales by acquiring "Ideal Clients" who are ready, willing and able to pay top dollars for top-drawer solutions.

And we do that by creating automated systems to do the repetitive heavy lifting and assembling low-headcount and high-impact "commando-type" business development crack teams of cross-trained professionals to do the sophisticated delicate work.

Since most of my clients ask for my help because they are frustrated with...

...I've conjured up the following services to help them...

Please note that these services are not the normal "zero accountability" practices as provided by large marketing and branding agencies. The systems I design, in close collaboration with your key people, help you to grow your company to a higher level of profitability. After designing, we also build and test your new system. And once in operation, if you buy that option of service, I keep tweaking and perfecting your system for better performance.

So, if you're ready to eliminate dirty, filthy, bone-jarring, soul-sucking, mind-numbing cold prospecting slavery and have qualified prospects come to you, being ready, willing and able to buy your stuff at the highest margins, then follow the link and read my On Becoming A Client document.

Relax, there is no obligation here. This package helps you to define whether or not there is a sound financial justification to hire external help to assist you to improve the current situation.

[1] By definition a small business is up to 99 employees and a medium-sized business is up to 499 employees. Continue where you've left off...